““So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ””
Dake KJV Bible
More than 43 years of painstaking research went into it. With 35,000 commentary notes, 500,000 cross/chain references, 9,000 Outline Headings, 8,000 Sermon Outlines, 16,000 Articles, Hebrew and Greek Word Studies, and a Complete Concordance that lists every bible word, the Dake Bible gives you more resources for personal study than you'll find in any other Bible.
Thousands of passages are amplified. Obscure readings are made clear. Ancient customs are explained, along with matters of history, culture and geography. Greek and Hebrew words and idioms are handled. In addition, parables, types, symbols, allegories and figures of speech are explained. Dispensational issues are treated in a systematic fashion, along with hundreds of details of biblical prophecy. It is the ultimate tool to truly help rightly divide the word of truth.
The Interlinear Bible
The "Interlinear Greek-English New Testament " is keyed to"Strong's Exhaustive Concordance." Featuring the Greek texts with a direct English rendering below each word, it also includes "The Literal Translation of the Bible" in the outside column. But what truly sets this resource apart are the Strong's numbers printed directly above the Greek words. Strong's numbers enable even those with no prior knowledge of Greek to easily access a wealth of language reference works keyed to Strong's--Greek dictionaries, analytical lexicons, concordances, word studies, and more.
- Conveniently includes the entire Greek text of the New Testament in one place
- Offering a concise, literal translation of each Greek word, it's a great jumping off point for in-depth New Testament study and text analysis.
The Strong’s Concordance
The only Strong's that includes Vine's Complete Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
Words of Christ in red
Complete topical index of the Bible
Hebrew and Greek dictionaries now have three times more word study information than any other edition
Additional cross-references and word study helps from leading dictionaries
Encounter the Heart of God
The Passion Translation (TPT) is a new, heart-level translation, using Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts, that expresses God’s fiery heart of love to this generation, merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God’s Word. The goal of TPT is to trigger inside every reader an overwhelming response to the truth of the Bible, revealing the deep mysteries of the Scriptures in the love language of God, the language of the heart.
If you’re hungry for God and want to know him on a deeper level, TPT will help you encounter God’s heart and discover what he has for your life.
The Book of Isaiah
Enter the vision of a man who spoke with burning lips as he described God's majesty! Spanning the ages, Isaiah's poetic revelation points to the birth of Jesus, the New Jerusalem, cataclysmic judgments, and the survival of a holy remnant as a canopy of glory overspreads the earth. A powerful message of hope and victory.
The New Covenant Revolution
For many year, Christians and non-Christians alike have struggled to reconcile the seemingly conflicting depictions of God found in the Bible. How can the legalistic punishing God of the Old Testament also be the loving Father that Jesus revealed in the New Testament? The key to answering this question lies in understanding that the Bible is the story of God's covenantal relationship with humanity, and this story plays out through five major covenants. Once you understand these five major covenants, the entire Bible will finally make sense! Even more crucially, the character of God, and the relationship He invites you to have with Him, will become wonderfully clear.
Bodily Healing and
The Atonement
This book is very theological in its approach as it seeks to set out the Biblical basis for Christian healing. But don’t let the word ‘theological’ put you off. Dr. McCrossan sets out very clearly and simply the Bible verses and the meaning of the relevant Greek words which prove conclusively that healing should be part of the gospel message. Jesus Christ died for sins and for sickness so that we could be freed from their power.
For example, from an in-depth study of Isaiah 53 and First Peter 2:24, Dr. McCrossan clearly proves that the original manuscripts leave no room for doubt—Christ died for our sickness just as He died for our sins.
Rev. Hagin has commented, “I believe it is the will of the Lord that McCrossan’s book is again available to lovers of God’s Word.”
of Righteousness
The church has been very strong in teaching man his need of Righteousness, his weakness and his inability to please God. The average Christian has been kept under condemnation, as the church has never taught what we are in Christ, nor who we are in Christ...has never taught that all that Christ did for us is available to us NOW. We do not have to wait until we get to Heaven to enter into what Christ did for us...it is ours to enter into and enjoy NOW. If you live a life of weakness and defeat, it is because you do not know what you are in Christ. The supreme need of the church at this hour is to know what we are in Christ, and how the Father Himself looks upon us. Unless you know who you are, and what you are in Christ, you cannot live a victorious life...Satan, sin and disease will be your masters. The instant that you know you are the Righteousness of God in Christ, and understand what this Righteousness means, Satan is defeated. This important book should be read by every sincere Christian. It will change your life as it has changed the lives of multitudes.
New Creation Realities
We have found the secret that the psychologists long have sought. It is the “inward man”, it is the re-created spirit; it is the part of man with which God deals. It’s really an unveiling of what we are in Christ today; of what He says we are; what He has made us to be in His great Redemptive work.
The Pauline Epistles must ever stand as the work of a super-genius or a divine revelation. It lets us into the inner secret of God’s mighty purpose in the Incarnation. The four Gospels give us the earth walk of the Master, but the Pauline Epistles give us a revelation of what happened on the cross, what followed during the three days and three nights until Christ was raised from the dead. We get the living picture of the entire substitutionary work of Christ. It is the legal background of our Redemption.
The Two Covenants
Andrew Murray compares the Old and New Covenants and expertly explains why the first one (in its seeming inadequacy) was necessary before the advent of the second.
He writes, “if Christians had a true understanding of the nature of their covenant-making and covenant-keeping God, they would have the faith to move mountains.”
It helps to stop struggling to try to change self and helps to understand what Christ had done for each believer.
“Whatever we read about the new heart and God's devoted investment to it in the New Covenant must be boldly believed and put into action.” The intent is not to simply increase our knowledge, but to grow in our ongoing transformation.
This book is profound and clarify for ever “Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant.”
Heavenly Hosts,
A Biblical Study of Angels
A Biblical Study of Angels. Compiled from the writings of Finis Dake, Heavenly Hosts is more than just another book about angels. It is a comprehensive study of angels as depicted in the Bible that refutes artistic and commercial depictions of angels as weak baby-like creatures. In the traditional Dake style, this is an exclusively biblical study of angels. Loaded with Scriptures that detail the nature, type, and work of angels, Heavenly Hosts balances the current popularity of the subject with a solid Scriptural foundation. It shows the types and order of God’s angelic regiments, as well as those angels who chose to serve Satan. Believers are thus encouraged to expect the help of these "ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation."