Those books recount the lives of people who encountered God in remarkable ways, and their lives bore the fruits that we read in the book of Acts, even greater. They didn’t have it all easy and perfect, and their knowledge and understanding of spiritual truths were at the best level available at their time. Nevertheless, their level of faith was remarkable and they wouldn’t make the heroes of Hebrews 11 ashamed to share the Hall with them. God is the true hero of all, Who gave faith to the remarkable people of the Old Testament, Who gave faith to the remarkable people of the New Testament, and Who give faith today to His sons and daughters that He wants to restore and transform for such a time as this, to His glory and for the sake of this world.
Let your faith skyrocket by those reading, overcome for yourself first, then share your victory with the world around you!
“Listen to the truth I speak to you:
If someone says to this mountain with great faith and having no doubt,
‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’
and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done.”
God’s Generals
Roberts Liardon will help you recapture God’s glory with compelling spiritual biographies of some of the most powerful ministries to ever ignite the fires of revival. Liardon faithfully chronicles their lives in this work, along with their teachings, their spiritual discoveries, and many revealing photos.
Four of God’s Generals who you will meet include:
William J. Seymour, the son of ex-slave, who turned a tiny horse table on Azusa Street, Los Angeles, into an internationally famous center of revival
Aimee Semple McPherson, the glamourous and flamboyant founder of the Foursquare Church and the nation’s first Christian radio station
Smith Wigglesworth, the plumber who read no book but the Bible—and raised the dead!
Kathryn Kuhlman, the beloved evangelist whose miracle-filled meetings drew millions of skeptics to faith
Smith Wigglesworth
Only Believe! I'm a thousand times bigger on the inside than on the outside! Fear looks; faith jumps! These statements were heard by thousands of people who sat under one of the most unusual ministries of this century: the ministry of Smith Wigglesworth. He lived a life of obedience and spoke words of Life more than opinion and views. Many people described him with the same adjectives, such as authoritative, bold, compassionate, very challenging, calling him a man of eternal value who lived a life full of faith. The cry of the Spirit that came through Smith Wigglesworth can still be heard today through these sermons.
The Autobiography of George Müller
George Müller (1805–1898) was born in Prussia, the son of a tax collector. Before he became a Christian, George had the reputation of a liar and a thief. After accepting Christ as his personal Savior, he was used in remarkable ways to provide for over 10,000 orphans during his lifetime. He never went into debt or asked anyone to supply his needs. He trusted in God to provide for him and for the orphans, and God never failed to do so.
In 1875, George began preaching tours that took him over 200,000 miles to forty-two countries to preach to 3 million people. God transformed a little boy who stole from his earthly father into a man who could be trusted with the resources of his heavenly Father.
Join him on his journey from a life of sin and rebellion to his glorious conversion. You will learn how to: * pray in faith and receive answers* seek God for direction* find the ultimate purpose for your life* rest in God's loving care. George Müller's unwavering, childlike dependence upon his heavenly Father will inspire you to confidently trust the God of the impossible in every area of your life.
John G. Lake: The Man and His Message
An up-close look at the man, his ministry and his message by one that had constant access to him for the last four years of Lake’s life. Wilford Reidt met John Lake in 1931 and immediately drew close to the entire family, eventually marrying Lake’s daughter, Gertrude in 1941.
Wilford was continually in close contact with Lake and even helped organize Lake’s “School of the Prophets” (a short term bible school Lake planned to launch in 1936).
Wilford saw Lake’s short-comings as a human but also recognized the intense standard that Lake set and usually maintained.
Wilford was present at many of the miraculous healings that took place both at the church Lake pastored and in Lake’s home as well as the homes where he regularly accompanied Lake to minister healing.
This book will give you a good idea of who John Lake was as a man, a husband, a father and as an early Pentecostal pioneer.
John G. Lake on Healing
John G. Lake was one of the most powerful healing evangelists of the twentieth century. His life’s work included countless conversions, healings, and deliverances, as well as the establishment of hundreds of churches and ministries.
Now, the wisdom and experience of Lake’s teachings on healing have been condensed into one book. Through these teachings, you, too, can:
Receive physical and emotional healing
Discover the spiritual roots of sickness
Overcome fear and hopelessness
Remove hindrances to healing
Defeat the attacks of Satan
Walk in divine health
Minister healing to others
Win souls for eternity
Experience a new joy in your life
The power of John G. Lake’s healing ministry and its effect on the world is finally at your fingertips. Healing is available for you and your loved ones today!
Kathryn Kuhlman
Join Roberts Liardon on a riveting journey through the life of Kathryn Kuhlman, one of the most fascinating women of the 20th century. In this study of a miraculous healing ministry that spanned a half a century, you will:
Read about the countless thousands who were healed in her presence, often without her ever laying a hand on them
Learn all about her vitality and victory, her tragedies and triumphs, and how she used them all to draw her ever closer to Jesus.
Find out how she was able to allow the Holy Spirit to become her best Friend and greatest Teacher - and how you can, too.
"You will be blessed and challenged as you read this spiritual biography of the life and ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman" - Carol Gray - Executive Director, The Kathryn Kuhlman Foundation
The Life Story of
Lester Sumrall
An extraordinary biography of an extraordinary man. An important historical look at a pillar of Pentecostalism. Filled with photos and incredible tales of ministry. An epilogue of the continuing ministry of Lester Sumrall has been added by his son, Stephen. Few evangelists have seen as much of the world as Lester Sumrall witnessed -- and witnessed to. When he died in 1996, Sumrall had spent 65 years serving the Lord, and this thoroughly entertaining biography examines the life of one of the most colorful preachers of the 20th century.
Azusa Street
Experience the power and revelation of one of history’s greatest spiritual revivals as if you were there yourself. More than an observer or historian, author Frank Bartleman participated in the Azusa Street Revival and experienced the movement firsthand. His insight into the events leading up to Azusa, the revival itself, and the impact that resulted is perhaps the most detailed account of the falling of the Holy Spirit ever recorded.
Your faith will explode as you read Bartleman’s challenging insights into faith-filled living from his experiences at Azusa Street. You will more fully understand… The tribulations they faced, The blessings they received, The Pentecostal movement that followed, What God will do when desperate souls cry out for more of Him. Azusa Street is not a long-forgotten story from thousands of years ago. It was a twentieth-century manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and a movement that continues to endure today!
“He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” —John 14:12