Prophetic Voices
Rhymes For This Calling Season
Step with You
Step by step I step with You
Hold me by ny hand,
My feet walk on waters through
Tough winds, seeking land.
You tell me to never fear,
Trust in You through all,
"Land, you see, might not be near,
But My strength won't fall."
Knees, my knees are trembling still,
Tired, without strength,
Eyes on You, my heart is full,
I will go the full length.
My hands in Yours, I'm restored,
Strength fills to the brim;
Lead me, Keeper, Guide, my Lord,
Though the sun goes dim.
Step by step I step with You,
Take me by the hand,
As we walk on waters through
Tough winds, seeking land.
Season of the Shadow
I walk across a threshold,
Into a lonely place,
The road is straight, no turning there,
No lowering the pace.
Mountains guarding left and right,
Here, I feel alone,
Standing 'gainst the guardians of
A path I do not own.
Trees all joking 'bout my face,
What its doing in this place,
Rocks unearthing themselves to
Trip me, tell me I'm a fool.
But midst this shameless mockery,
He's holding my hand,
A Wind of rest, a wind of peace,
Whispers, lifts the sand:
"You're not here forever
I will walk you through,
Though crows try to scare you,
Remember, I am True;
For when you step outside this,
You soon will realise,
This path you're on, the shadow path,
Leads to The Summer Skies."
- Maria, August 2023
Maria’s Prophetic Words For Myanmar & Russia
Maria spent many years in Myanmar, coming from Russia. Following the hearts of her parents, she became in love with its beautiful people. God is using her great faith and strong voice in very powerful ways for this nation He loves. Hear the words, and believe with us!
The Father's Words: “I'm sending My wind to blow upon this nation, My beloved nation, Myanmar. That means the rain is coming. My people in the nation, they are crying out to Me and I have heard their cries. I want to refresh My people. On Earth as it is in Heaven. As many of My people are in tune with Heaven, they are bringing Heaven to their Nation. There is an abundance of My people in Your Nation, Myanmar. Not like the Social Media will say...”
“I have given them, My precious people of Myanmar, a style and a strike of no other. I gave them a taste like no other. I gave them music with power that they do not know. I have given them a spirit of celebration. All their dances you can see came from My heart to these people. But instead of worshipping Me and glorifying Me, they chose to fall down before a block of Silver and Gold. Instead of rejoicing in Me, they chose to rejoice in a block of GOLD. I have rained upon this nation to show this: I have washed over and forgiven all of them and washed away ALL their sin before any could forgive anyone. They forgive, because I forgave, and washed it all away as a mighty rain. AND I AM WILLING TO REFRESH ALL PEOPLE, BECAUSE THIS IS A NATION THAT I LOVE. There will come a time when this celebration, which I have given to the people of Myanmar will be glorifying Me. The people will sing and dance and rejoice with true joy and repentance in their hearts, because I will pour it out in its full strength. They will be overwhelmed with My love, because the people of Myanmar will delight and rejoice in Me in those days. I want My people to celebrate and rejoice. DON'T LET THE ENEMY SHUT DOWN AND DISTORT WHAT I HAVE CREATED FOR GOOD. I WILL TOUCH MYANMAR!!!!!”
I am in a room (but not a room) where all OVER the floor there are Padauk flowers (It is the flower of Myanmar Rosewood tree) and it is all around, on the floor, in the sky, and trees. The Father was sitting on His throne there. The Father said: “It is not only for you.” (He mentioned I should record this). "That's My place for Myanmar. Just look at them shout and sing and radiate My glory!!! Don't you LOVE them?” I Love them... “I NEED YOU TO TELL THEM THAT I LOVE THEM.!! I made you wear red, because I will not forget My people's bloodshed. I will not forget the blood that cries out from My people. The ones that have given their lives for Me. They are here, with Me. And I am here, with them. And I have promised great things for their nation. I will not forget them. And I will surely not forget those who try to and kill My children. They think they are hidden, and that the world and the news doesn't radiate on them, but I SEE EVERYTHING!” I saw a little Burmese child come and show the Father a branch of Padauk flowers. They were glowing and running around in circles, so joyful!!!!! “See that? I will not forget their blood cries. The enemy thinks that he can just quietly sneakingly kill My babies and My precious children because the news has not spread yet???!!! But he will be EXPOSED. And he will be turned over. And My children will get the justice that I had promised. My heart cries out for these children. These children. My precious children. They are My precious children. And I LOVE THEM. I will surely repay the enemy 4 and 5 times what he has given to those children. I need you to cry out for these children. I am going to separate the Truth and the Lie The true and the false I shall separate, and make a distinction. Because it is all blurred right now in the nation. I have called you to cry out for TRUTH! That's what I'll Do!! Their passion was poured out before Me, trampled by the enemy as in a winepress, yet they were willing. I will not forget that. I will surely REPAY!!!!! I will surely REPAY!!!”
MAY 13TH 2022
“I will pour their blood on the ones who killed them. It will be a stain and a mark on them for the rest of their lives, unless their hearts cry out, and My Son's blood washes it ALL away.” I saw the Father taking a silver (looked like the lamp from Aladdin, but it was a vessel). The LORD took the blood that was on the floor, ALL of it, put it in that silver vessel, and poured it on the head of one that had killed the children.
May 17th 2022
I will flood Russia with My Spirit and my Son’s blood. It will be a mighty flood on the people of Russia. I am not speaking about Myanmar and Russia because they are your countries and nations. I am speaking IT because of My DIVINE PURPOSE in you. I will do it, for My people. Masha, you are always welcome here. You are My daughter and the establishment of My will. Look! And I will do it in a hurry. My people are calling, they are willing, they are hungry. They think that I have forgotten their nation. But I haven’t. Look! And see how quickly the time is ticking. I saw a clock and the minute hands were moving as fast as seconds. Doesn’t this tell you something? Purity will rule in My nations, as they surrender to Me, and My glory is splashed out on people lavishly, without measure. Didn’t I talk about My people releasing flows and streams of living waters THROUGH THEIR SPIRITS “somewhere there”? And I am not about to forget that, as people will start seeing literal rivers with strong currents, flowing out of what they call the belly of one that carries My spirit.
May 17th, 2022
I saw the USSR flag with the tools that lost those tools in front of my eyes. The flag became completely red without any design on it.
Then I saw the bands of the Russian flag getting apart from each other, and twisting themselves around each other, and then a hand squishes out water from them.
Mike’s Dreams For The World
Mike also is a young voice for the Kingdom, living in Myanmar, coming from Russia. He has a great faith and love for the people, with a tender heart. The Father is impacting him regularly in his dreams, and some concern the nations.
March 9th 2022
I saw a map of the world, it was just a normal map of the world, and then a president (don't know who), called into three countries, three areas. He called to all the countries of Europe, almost all, except the side ones. He called China, and then he called USA. And then the president told all those countries: surrender, or there will be damage, there will be impact. Then I saw a map and there was a big grey circle on Europe. Another one was on China, in the middle, where a lot of people are. Then one on the USA. It was covering almost all of the USA. Then Biden, he did not tell all the civilians about the stuff that would happen. He quickly got into an escape pod, and left, just went away, went to space. He probably would've stayed there until it happened. And the president (the first one) called these different three areas and said: You have three minutes, respond, or the impact will be done. China didn't respond, or I didn't hear it. Europe didn't respond, or I didn't hear it. Then I saw a countdown in my dream. It was all black, and in the middle was a white numbers on the clock: 3 minutes. Then the interesting thing is that, usually there are two zeros at the start of the clock, and two zeros at the end. Two for the hours and two for the minutes, but in this case there was one place for the hours, and there was a three there, 3 minutes. Then it started counting down 3 minutes (could've been three hours). Then I woke up, when the countdown was at 12 seconds (or minutes, not sure).
Victory is Here
You might feel very far from any victory in your life, in your family, in your nation. But trust God has not forgotten you, and has not turn His face away. He declares it through Maria’s voice. He calls His people back to Him to celebrate what He is doing in this world, and in your life. Hear Him, and believe!
May 17th 2022
There are millions of songs that aren’t written yet, which have not even entered into the heart of man. I will give them to My songwriters, to My peacekeepers. Not the world’s peacekeepers. And they will be exposed as ravenous wolves, wrapped up in lies as a thick blanket. They think they are a fortress and that nobody will see them. Ha!!! I will snap My fingers and their fortresses will come rolling down. Down, down, down. For such are the ones that deceive My people. And they will be exposed.
May 29th 2022
If all I can do is sit here and hold your hand, i’ll do it. I love you.
If all I could do is stare into your eyes until you melt, I’ll do it, for all eternity.
If all I can do is to say “I love you”, I’ll say it a thousand times.
If all I could do is hold you close until all goodness screams out you, I’d do it everyday, all the time.
May 31st 2022
I will pour out My grace on those who seek My face.
June 4th 2022
You hear the wind? It is whistling through the ears of My people, and they hear the promise. They hear the promise of harvest, of celebration, THE HOPE that gets ignited as the wind rushes through. The hope that the rain will come. I will satisfy the thirsting mouths of My children. my precious children. My lovely thirsting children. I will not leave them thirsty, but they will surely be filled. Filled! Filled!