There is dunamis power in our testimonies because it reflects the nature and the character of God. What He has done for any of us, He wants to do it for you. A testimony is a reminder of His goodness and His infinite love toward human kind.
But it is also a mighty weapon in the war against evil.
Read them, and once you have been touch by His glory, write yours and post it for others to experience His Love.
As you share your testimony, not only will you break from the influence of your past,
but you will give hope to those who are hopeless.
“I am so thankful for this 9-month-training. I feel confident to approach God now and my love for Him has increased a lot. I have so many testimonies happening while learning His words. Before I was lost in problems and situations, and it kept me far from God. Now by His grace, my eyes have opened and I clearly see my way toward His glory. I have learn how to pray and get victory for my life and family. ”
“I saw a new kid I never saw before. He was crying. Then I went to him and commanded Satan, “spirit of crying, I bind you in the name of Jesus, you have no choice but leaving this kid now!” And you know what? He does not cry anymore! It works! ”
“I will never be as the old me. I’m very sure. I declare everyday, I talk to the Holy Spirit everyday, read and write Bible everyday. How God is good. You remember I told you when we met last time, I really want to change myself, but I couldn’t change myself. Now Jesus Himself helps me to be a new person.”
“At the beginning I learned many things from your preaching. I was not so much interested to be honest. But I realised quickly I could spot now a preaching that is wrong, a doctrine that cannot stand. You taught us to be very careful about the timeline, the context, the speaker... I realise now why the Bible was so confusing to me before. It is so much clearer now. It is not anymore a pile of “do and don’t”. There is a real message in it that makes so much sense while being out of this world. And that is so powerful. When people try to convince me of something, I know when it’s not correct, when it’s wrong.
Furthermore every morning when I wake up, I declare for 20 minutes. It has been 3 days I haven’t be angry. It doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to be angry about. But when I’m about to be angry, it’s not there anymore. And I am writing the Bible again. I am changing, I know it and I feel it. I am becoming a manifested daughter and it is so exciting.”
“Thank you so much to teach us to speak over ourself for instant victory. I feel much better now. God spoke to me, “Don’t worry about your circumstances. Be joyful. I am giving you a destiny.” Then I open the door with a smile on my face. Today a miracle happened! ”
“I did not realise how broken of a girl I was at the age of 22. God showed me that I could be new again and that I could live in His grace. I never knew that God was the one giving strength and hope throughout all the traumatic events that happened in my life. He found me at His perfect time and for that I am forever grateful. From the second I decided to walk with Him, I felt renewed and whole again. I could let go of the broken girl I was and walk with Him in this new life that he has given me. I am so thankful to be walking on His path. He has given me guidance and ever since I can only feel myself trying harder and harder everyday to be good. God is good and He is powerful. He is the biggest blessing of all and the one I love most.”
“Coming out of the baptism water I feel very different, very light. I feel like a new person, completely refreshed. I am so very happy and at peace. Hallelujah. Praise God. Thank you Jesus. I feel so different in a very good way. I feel glorious now. I am forever grateful!”
“Since my water baptism, I have power over temptations. As soon as it comes, I declare against it and it goes away.”
“Now I know the power of being dead in Christ. I cannot be a happier person than I am today. I am surprised by my actions of a dead person and how it brings the unity and love, and how it brings glory to God. I absolutely feel the love of God, and cannot express all my feelings...”
“Since I stayed with you and since I got heal from a resistant form of TB, I am not scared of any disease or pain. Satan always tease me with the lungs. Every time he teases, i just shout and say, “Shut up Satan! I got healed already, you can’t even tease me.” And he never can tease me or threaten me again. Amen. ”
“I became a Christian 7 years ago. I lived in guilt and shame. I committed the same sins again and again. I said sorry to God and prayed to Him to change me. But nothing happened and let me confused.
When I started attending “The Kingdom is Here” course, I learned two important things regarding “Repentance.”
One, I skipped this step. I had faith in Jesus and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but I never repented of my sins.
Two, I had been just sorry for my sins, not really repenting of them.
After I met with brother Lionel and sister Isabelle, I learned there are things I need to repent of, and there are things I need deliverance from. I used to live with wrong thoughts which led to wrong direction and miserable life.
Now, I have learned the truth. I took action by truly repenting, and I asked brother Lionel to deliver me. I thank God that the truth has set me free. My life has radically changed and I am a new man.
“I am a construction worker in Maela Camp so my time is not flexible. Each time I came to the training, I came back from hard work and I was very tired. But I experienced real joy by being present in this training. Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the Kingdom of God”, has been my motivation for 9 months and I have been very blessed through it. I came first with my bicycle and it was adding to my physical tiredness. Then somebody borrowed me a scooter, and later it was much easier to come and I could bring my wife. I used to be addicted to drugs and God changed me. Then I could learn more of the word of God by assisting to this timely and powerful training. I would not have missed one session because it was life transforming. Thank you.”
“Romans 12:2 was the turning point for my life during this training, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Because I was not a good guy, I was naughty, and I realise now the importance of keeping my mind under check and to train it according to the word of God. Now I know how my life can shine and glorify God, when I submit to the daily renewing of my mind. It is very powerful word from God. ”
“Through this training I learnt a lot about old man, new man, new creation, and the implications of living under the old or the new covenant. I live very far from the training and I had to cross the entire camp. Many people tried to stop me because of the dangers of the pandemic as I was going through crowded areas, but I was so touched by the Holy Spirit during the sessions, that no one could ever stop me during those 9 months until I finished this course. The biggest thing I was convicted of was to keep a teachable heart as a pastor. I have the responsibility to teach others in my church and I need to keep an open heart even when I think I know a lot. Though God revealed many new things to me through Holy Spirit. Now I speak a lot to my people to keep a teachable heart that God can keep talking and transforming us individually. Each session I learnt new things through Holy Spirit conviction. It has given a lot to my ministry and I am so grateful. ”
“This training is the biggest blessing for me because it changed my life. I went through many seminars and trainings in the past, learning more knowledge each time for my head. But this time, I learnt from the Word and then God taught me His word by experience during the week. It was a very practical training as understanding came with life application. It was amazing that after each subject we learnt, I encountered a situation the following days that was an application of the Word. Each time the enemy tried to get at me through a problem, I got victory because I learnt how to resist the devil.
During the renewing of the mind sessions I encountered a heartbroken situation in my life, and I was able to face it
because I knew how to renew my mind and speak truth into the situation.
Before my biggest desire was to leave the camp and resettle in this country. But now my biggest desire is to experience God’s presence in my life, every day. This is the most desirable thing now in my life. What a transformation. All glory to God. ”
“I thank God for this training where I learn that our life is a journey, but we can be sure that in Christ, we can do everything. Nothing is impossible for God. Furthermore, our life is to be transformed and this is our choice to accept and submit to this transformation. Our neighbours and family should see this transformation. It is a public event for the glory of the Father. We cannot hide it, and we cannot lie about it. Our daily life will testify of this transformation. It has been 9 months of training but I feel it’s too short. Believers are so worried about so many things in today’s world. So many problems, broken relationships, difficult circumstances. This training has given us in Maela Camp so much peace and opportunities to be transformed. It is one of the greatest experience in our lives here. God’s provision through these 9 months is also a testimony of His grace. We would love to do another study with ACTS ministries for more transformation and growing time, that we may glorify God through our transformed lives more and more and through the fruits that follow us. ”
“I’m so grateful for this classes where I received a lot of encouragement about healing and deliverance. My mind has been renewed a lot to the word of God and my spirit has matured a lot. Now I have a passion to deliver and heal people and I witnessed some miracles already. I’m not only hearing these lessons, but I’m practically doing these lessons. It has changed my life and my ministry. I really thank God and all glory to Him.”
“Through the training I felt the transformation. God answered my longtime desire to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, and I received it on this powerful day online. I felt the power of God falling on me and Holy Spirit moving in my body. Later on I had the opportunity to pray for this Covid patient on the phone and this person was healed. When I pray now I can feel the power of the Holy Spirit touching the people, I can cast out demons, I can heal people. I understood that when we talk in our authority, God uses our words to deliver, heal, and release whatever people need through us. I kept praying for people and God did many miracles even when I didn’t really want to pray for someone.
We learnt we are just vessels that God uses and we shouldn’t have any pride in doing the work of the Kingdom because anyone with Jesus and Holy Spirit in them can do the same work. God spoke to me on that day very specifically, to keep being His instrument without any pride. Now when He brings to my remembrance someone, I pray right away for this person without self praising, but with the true desire that God bypass me and works in that person.
During the sessions, God spoke to me about denying myself and live in the Spirit. This teaching really built me up and transformed me. I now always write down whom I am praying for and when and what I’m praying for. I wrote down my prayer to support feeding 800 families.
I was able to already donate for 200 families. I have grown a lot in how to practice my faith and I have already witnessed a lot of God’s grace toward people and miracles through prayers of faith in my ministry. ”
“I had the opportunity to study with ACTS ministries for 3 times already because of my involvement with interpretation of the training to Burmese. Each time I learnt something new, and each time God showed me something different. This time God spoke to me about living in holiness. And as I am a young adult, I always felt the big responsibility to represent God’s holiness to the people of my generation. I thought before we have to live following sets of rules, and in the limit of them. I always felt the pressure to follow a standard that is much challenged in today’s world. As we were studying holiness this time, God showed me through His word the freedom there is in living in holiness. There is actually no more limits and it is delightful to live in God’s holiness. It is not dos and don’ts to follow, but it is living in the enjoyment of His presence 24/7. There is no more limits and I feel so free.
The second thing God made very clear this time is how to deal with any sickness I encounter. Before I was begging God to heal me, to please take away the fever or the headache or the pain, but now I deal with it like a warrior. I speak to the sickness, I speak to the enemy, I command it to go in the name of Jesus, I will not receive any lie of the devil, and any of his work. Now I understand I’ve been healed 2000 years ago, and I just need to remind the devil that he has no right over me, and no sickness belongs to me. I’m so grateful for this training. ”
“I have learned a lot on water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism during this training. Why we need them according to the Word of God, not according to tradition. And what is happening in the spiritual realm during those events. Now I feel I can teach it myself because of all the Scriptures we went through. The teaching on the renewing of the mind is also life changing. ”
“My church had a life changing experience during this 3-month-teaching. Before I always wanted to fight with people and impose my views. After New Man lesson, now I’m fighting myself inside of me. There has been such a turn around in me. Before I did not understand the purpose of speaking in tongues and I didn’t push to have it. Now I know I want it and I really want it. I’m really looking forward to this session.”
“The Word of God has been very encouraging to all the students, and His love was so tangible. Each one of us could feel the Holy Spirit moving throughout the week. Even before my Sunday preaching I could feel the Word of God flowing through me toward the people and encouraging all of us. The training is truly touching the remote part of the world where we are living, the Mela Camp. We are going to use this material to bless other people in the Camp and extend the Kingdom of God here. I give my word to you. ”
“I really liked this training because in each session there are practical applications for our daily lives. It is not just accumulation of knowledge, it is learning how to be transformed and how to live day by day as God intended us to live as His sons and daughters in His Kingdom. And what is amazing is that after each session, literally the following day, God put in our lives circumstances that were direct applications from the training. It is amazing how relevant and powerful this training is, and how in tune with the Holy Spirit it is. After the first session on the New Man, I felt like I was failing my exam. I recognized right away I felt short of the glory of the New Man and I was so convicted that being a Christian is not just a declaration of faith, it is a way of being and living. Each day after the training, during the church devotional and prayer time, we had experiences with the Holy Spirit. Adults and children are crying. I am so thankful for God’s provision. ”
“I am treated since 2018 for a health liver condition. I am tested regularly for this condition, and the numbers have been stable in a not so good range. I will have another test in December and for the first time in my life I believe that Jesus can heal me from this condition. I already see the improvement by my skin changing color. God is giving me the healing. ”
“I learned that long prayers are mostly ineffective and draw us out of faith. I learned also that effective prayers are not the result of repeating endlessly the same request to God in different ways, but to apply our faith once, and continue to believe for it despite what our eyes see. Last week I decided to practice the prayer of faith on a paralyzed old friend and other relatives and friends. Short prayers, authoritative prayers, simple prayers. All my love was in it. I didn’t see the instant healing yet, but I feel so very at peace inside because I know that I am in the will of God. I continue to push on while I am able to share God’s love and words to those people. And I feel already the power of those words in their hearts. We have not yet started the module about healing, and I am so eager to learn more that all those people I prayed for will be healed. ”
“I finally understand the verse in Matt 18:18, the binding and loosing. In the Burmese bible it has been translated “un-forgive someone” and it never made sense to me. Now I understand that the victory of a son of God stands in this verse. It gives us the power and authority about “whatever” stands unrightfully in our way.
I have been also very convicted to read more carefully the word of God. Always means... always. Never means... never. And nothing means... nothing. It gives me a lot of peace to understand the promises of God and push for victory for each one of them.
I learned also in the study that we can do what Christ did, even greater. If we believe, the impossible becomes possible. Since then, we decided to command a condition on my daughter’s thumb since she was 6-month-old, to leave her. I also taught my daughter to command in the name of Jesus her thumb to stand up. It didn’t come right away, but finally we got victory on this one, and my daughter can thumb up now. Hallelujah!”
“Earlier this year God told me He will do new thing in my family. Since we know you, I can see how much we have changed and I realize it comes from God. So many spiritual blessings and breakthroughs are coming in my husband and I. We are changing so much. My heart is filled with joy. Tears of joy are coming when I think of all what God has prepared for us. I can feel now the authority in prayer and the anointing flowing through me. We are doing faithfully our declarations together, and we are so blessed. We are now ready and eager to bring it to the nations. ”
“I’ve made a lot of progress in my spiritual life through the training. My uncle was diagnosed with Covid 19 few weeks ago. We had a friend and another grand ma friend who overcame the disease before, but when we arrived at the hospital I noticed that something was very wrong with my uncle. I anointed him and prayed for him. Only a few minutes later my uncle started to breathe properly and was getting enough oxygen. His heart beat became normal. I checked everything, prayed for him another time, and left to be home before the curfew. On the way it came to my mind that the symptoms in my uncle were of the Covid 19 and I should isolated myself from my family. And then I remember that Covid 19 could not touch me, could not affect me, could not affect my family, and I started to declare for me and my family. After my shower and my declarations, I felt very confident knowing my identity as a manifested son of God to be with my family. I just knew I was protected from the spiritual realm. I still left my children with grand-ma to reassure everyone and my wife chose to stay with me, very confident as a manifested daughter of God that she could not be touched by the disease. We kept isolated for 14 days together. During this time my uncle came out from the ICU and was doing progresses on every front very rapidly. Today is the 14th day and my wife and I have no signs of Covid 19 in our bodies. We have overcome. All glory to God!”
“I was not sleeping at night and was very discouraged by the situation of our daughter living abroad and being alone and sick without money. We still decided to attend the training and learned a lot about the Holy Spirit. During the worship I spoke in tongues and since then we have benefitted a lot in speaking. Especially peace in our situation. I pray a lot for our daughter, using my tongues and my language. Now I see also all the progress Jesus made in my daughter and I am so grateful. Before I was never sure if tongues were of the devil and I had a lot of fear. So I didn’t use my tongues. Now I am very clear and sure it is from Holy Spirit. And I am very clear about all the benefits in speaking in tongues and I am using them all the time. ”
“My wife and I have learn to recognize the devil trying to make us fight. Now we can fight him and we can forgive. We have victory against Satan and we don’t give him a chance. We are son and daughter of God and we have learned our power and our authority over him. Before arguments were taking hours and hours to resolve. Even days to reconcile. Now we can resolve it so fast. The Word of God is really giving us freedom over every circumstances. We are declaring and confessing all the times together. We are using our tongues now everyday and it really makes a difference. We really liked the saying “a fly never land on a hot stove”. And we are very intentional in becoming very hot!”
“I learn that speaking in tongues is not just for special prayer time, but we should pray throughout the day, all the time, like Paul was doing. It brings a lot of power out in my life and through me to others. ”
“I learned one week before this training that I have TB and I was very depressed during the first medical check ups and testing. Then I started to learn about healing through this training. At first I was not disciplined with what I learned in the lessons, and I thought the medicine will make the job. But after 3 weeks of normal treatment, the doctor said that I had the highest stage of TB and they didn’t have the medicine in Thailand and I should go back to my country Myanmar. Then I started to fear the disease and withdraw. I asked God why He allowed Satan to work in my body? Why? Then I learned that I have been healed by Jesus 2000 years ago. It is done. Finished. Payed for. Why I don’t believe the Word of God but I believe the lies of Satan? It was a revelation to me and suddenly my burdens lifted up. In my situation, I had no way to go back to Myanmar in the current pandemic, and I couldn’t get the right medicines in Thailand. I thought everything was closing on me. But the Lord spoke to me and asked “Why are you looking at your situation? Why you don’t look to Me? Why are you depressed? If you look at Me and have faith, your situation will be changed.” Then I feel very free and I have the peace of God inside. I started to share my testimony and my faith to other people. Then God opened doors for me to get the right medicine through another hospital, and I got sponsored for all the costs due to the disease. All glory to God!”
“I prayed to God during the pandemic to bring me to a place of deeper understanding and fellowship with Him. I couldn’t imagine He will connect me with this training. I understand now that we are in a spiritual war and I also understand my new identity. The entire family benefited a lot from this training. We all want now to receive the real water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism. Through just listening to the lesson about deliverance my niece first manifested strongly, then she received freedom and was able to join the family in listening the lessons. ”
“I finally understand that everything is connected to Holy Spirit. Before I thought Holy Spirit baptism is just one of the gifts of the Spirit. Therefore I thought it was OK to live with or without Holy Spirit baptism as a Christian, and tongues was not necessary in my mind. I didn’t see/know the importance of it. Now I understand that Holy Spirit baptism and speaking in tongues is really important and powerful in our Christian life. I used to speak in tongues 20 years ago, but I didn’t see the purpose and I stopped practicing. Through one testimony shared during the training, I understood that it is the Spirit of God inside of us that connect believers to each others. And the connection is very powerful. My wife can feel the joy of the Lord when she speaks in tongues. I want to experience this joy now. I want to receive and be connected with God and other believers in this intimate and powerful way. And through the power of the Spirit in me I want my flesh to die completely and be able to minister to others with the power of the Spirit. I realize now that through Holy Spirit the ministry will really be strengthened. ”
“I received many blessings during this Bible training. I learnt that knowing has no meaning if we do not practice what we learn. As a pastor, I felt very convicted. Then I had the opportunity to pray for a woman in hospital that was very sick. The doctors said they can do nothing more for her. And after praying, she was healed! There was another woman who couldn’t sleep for a long time. She was hearing evil spirits during the night talking to her. I commanded those voices to stop, evil spirits to leave her, and healing to come. And she was able to sleep very well after that. This lady has 2 sons who were strongly drug-addicted. They were selling things from the family home to get money to buy their drugs. When the sons saw the freedom of their mom, they wanted the same freedom from addiction and they asked me to pray for them. And they got healed from drug-addiction! I learnt how to renew my mind and since I do it everyday, God is transforming and equipping me. Now I know how to take care of the needs of the people around me. It changes their life and my life. ”
“This lessons have completely changed my thoughts. I have been taught that we only have this spiritual gift or this one. And because of this wrong teaching I was limiting myself in ministry, only engaging in what was very comfortable for me and not trusting the Spirit of God. Also during my daily prayer life I wouldn’t engage the Holy Spirit at all. Now I rely on Holy Spirit more. I want to be a manifested son of God, not just a church goer. I believe Holy Spirit is very powerful and I want Him in my life. These past weeks there was a lot of improvement in my life. ”
“I have learned a lot about Holy Spirit through this module. I thought I couldn’t have the Holy Spirit because this gift was not for me. Now I’m crystal clear about that and I realize I need to do practical work outside of the church in order to see Him at work in me. ”
“I finally understood that the New Covenant is made for the will of God to happen on earth like it is in heaven. Matt 6:10. Everybody know this verse, but I never realized it was the literal will of God for us today. It is transforming my family. ”
“I learnt a lot from those modules. About healing, as a Pastor, I used to plead to God, to petition, to ask and beg. I used many words. And the healing has never come powerfully through my words. Now I understand that it is the will of God to heal, and I have authority over sickness and disease. I just need to command and proclaim. I realize also that the New Covenant is everything. It is the key to power and efficiency. Often we just learn and we do not apply the Word of God. Now I know, I need to apply with faith. It’s simple and so powerful. ”
“I have been very touched by the training on the Sovereignty of God. He will never change, and He has the best for humanity. It is very powerful to know that God has the best intention for us, and all what He is doing if for the ultimate best of humanity. Through the daily challenges and struggles of life we forgot how good He is. We blame Him for everything. We complain “why God this happened?” “what are you doing?”. Now I recognize my wrong thinking and this teaching is transforming my daily life. ”
“The learning on the covenants has been very helpful for me. God never changes, and His will for man is the same under any covenants. But the covenants themselves change, and the requirements for man change. I could not understand why God was so different in the past. Now the New Covenant is for ever and I am part of this perfect and eternal covenant.
I recognized also that God gave me the complete authority over Satan, and this is my responsibility to use it or not. The fact that God has power over any parts in the universe but He chose to limit His authority on the earth to give it to man, was a complete discovery for me. This is so powerful to understand we have full authority on this earth.”
“The teaching on the sovereignty of God has been very revelatory to me. So many times we blame God for things He has not done but evil has done. I am very guilty of that. I used to accuse God of every wrong in my life and was asking Him why He does nothing. But now I understand God never produces evil, He always works for the good of man, and even has provided everything for us to fight evil and be victorious. God has given us full authority, and we often not use it, or give it back to Satan. Thank you for this revelation. ”
“I learnt about Jesus being the life-giving Spirit. This word has been very powerful for my life. Before I didn’t recognize that the Spirit of God was in me and the power of the Spirit acting in and through me. Even when my body will die, I will still be alive. I never realize it before. All my fears and my worries can be overcome through the life working in me. I also realized that diseases do not come from God but from Satan. And the life in me can overcome any disease through declaring the Word of God. Before, I put many accusations on God. I feel so free and loved. ”
“The message have been very encouraging for my church. I have learnt a lot on covenants and the power of the New Covenant. Previously we always wanted to imitate the Old Covenant prophets like Elijah, but now I realize that we are much more powerful because we live in the New Covenant. The only one to imitate is Jesus Christ. No one else. ”
“2Corinthians 5:18-19 has been a very powerful message for my life. I am an agent of reconciliation between God and man as a New Man. I shouldn’t be in any conflict myself, God has given me everything to resolve them in all humility. As a New Man, my flesh is dead. And I have much hope in helping now all the conflicts around me. There are so many in the camp. Thank you.”
“I now recognize that I should be a New Man, not just a New Creation. The clarification has been revealing that I want to be a New Man, but I’m not. I’m just a New Creation. And it is so convicting of where I am and where I want to be through the renewing of my mind. The declarations are so powerful. ”
“I really enjoyed the teaching about New Man being LOVE, because God is love. I have been very encouraged by it. Every day I remind myself I am Love. I have a shop and one day I had a customer who bought for 1 baht only, and paid with a 100 baht note. I had no change. I reminded myself “I am love” and just let him go without paying. In front of the shop there is a golden banana tree giving beautiful fruits since many years. One taxi driver one day destroyed the tree with his car. I was so angry. But I could overcome by reminding myself about the New Man is love. I was able to apply the Word of God in these 2 instances and this is changing my life day after day. ”
“I have learnt a lot about the love of God, Romans 8. For the first time I have understood and experienced deeply His love. I also realized the importance of being mature in Christ. Not just born again. The declarations are so powerful. Since I use them regularly, something good happens in my life and victory against evil is given to me. This training is needed for everyone in the church. ”
“I have understood for the first time the difference between the New Creation (just born again) and the New Man (the one looking more like Jesus). It has really speak to me to realize the journey to become a New Man is not finished. I still have work to do. ”
“Having been set free from our past, and delivered of our sins and its effects in our lives, we realized the importance and the need to daily renew our minds in Christ Jesus and not be conformed to the world and its standards. Furthermore, there are declarations that we should undertake daily to thwart the schemes of the devil and be on the offensive to push back the advances of the evil one. We are ambassadors of Christ, ready to do battle and reach out to those who are yet to be set free themselves. Thank God for reaching out to us and empowering us through this ministry of ACTS. We are now able to move on confidently, fully set free, with the assurance of His word. It is gonna be an exciting time from now on because of who we are in Christ and the positions he’s given to us. All glory to God in the highest !”
“God had brought me through some healing in the past, but I still had some major fear and relationship issues.
I still had addictions and had family problems and still felt like I was unclean.
After several sessions, God started freeing me from a lot of fear and my family situation started to change.
Only in about a year, I was able to see myself and others in a new light that I had never been able to before and was freed from a lot of lies that had plagued me up until then. I felt clean and whole. I started seeing myself as someone special, the daughter of the King that He especially created for a specific purpose. I am now pursuing a new path as an artist and doing abstract art workshops to share with other would-be artists the freedom I received to just be who I was created to be. I am fully grateful for the healing process God brought me through Lionel and Isabelle’s ministry and pray that many more would experience the freedom I received.”
“Freely received freely give! I have been blessed with a day session on the subject of prayers by ACTS Ministries, especially on the topic of Prayer of 5 kinds. Thank you to have been vessels of God’s glory to bless the community of faith in Singapore!”
“We are very much grateful and blessed for the recent teaching, sharing, testimonies, and precious prayers for us. A BIG THANK YOU from all of us. Praise the Lord for this awesome ministry like the Thai Chilli Padi! Thank you Jesus!”
“We give thanks for a opportunity to learn and share and for blessing us with practical teaching/ministry.”
“In April 2017, God answered my prayer to know a couple who can manifest God’s love, compassion, wisdom and humility. The training I attended was not knowledge and religion, but Life and Love and it deeply touched my heart. Their life changing testimonies dramatically challenged and encouraged me. I experienced great changes in my life after this training. I now understand and know my identity, my authority, and my mission in the Kingdom. Since then, God provided many opportunities to preach the gospel, heal the sick, release the oppressed, and baptize new believers in different countries.
Many victory reports and miracles of healing follow me. All glory to Jesus. Thank you Jesus.”
“The teaching was intense & very good & I still refer to the Manuel from time to time. Got to practice it with a friend.
Been visiting hospitals to pray for people, and I joined a healing Facebook group. ”
“I have been using the daily DNA declaration and it has been useful in building my faith in the healing ministry. I also learn to speak in tongue. I did share some of what I learned with my family. Lionel and Isabelle had been reminding us time and again to speak directly to the pain or sickness in the Name of Jesus. In our church camp, my daughter was under an attack in the middle of the night. She found herself lying on the bathroom floor. But when she spoke to the pain in the name of Jesus, the pain left and she was healed. All glory to our God. I am excited as my daughter shared her testimony. To God our Heavenly Father be all the praise and glory! Amen! May God fill us with His peace as we walk in His power.”
“It helped both myself and my wife when we do our hospital visits to pray for patients. We are both blessed.
“Definitely learned a lot from the seminar and I practiced exercising authority not only in healing but in other areas of prayer. Although I believe that my prayers for some contributed in their recovery, one showed no improvement and eventually passed away. Other than two close friends who had cancer and one who had been in a coma after a stroke, I prayed for the others not in person. Friends had asked me to pray for sick loved ones without access to visit these people. I did follow up on these people and after praying, their conditions improved. My request to pray for one person who had complained of being unwell was rejected outright. I learned that sometimes people just don’t want to be healed, perhaps from unbelief; these are not non-believers but are brothers and sisters in Christ! The case of the one friend who did not improve but succumbed to cancer really affected me.
I still don’t know what to think but I continue to pray for all who ask.
“I saw a limping man a few days ago. I approached him and with his consent I prayed for him. A day later he called up and said he was healed of his pain in his left leg. A few days later I told him to join a church near his house and he accepted Jesus.
Last Sunday he went to that church as a Christian. Praise and all glory to our LORD Jesus !!! Amen.
“1st time in 5years my daughter’s room is so bright and... I did not turn on the light. My son’s room is bright but a bit darker compare to hers ... Unusual. Thank you all for your love & support & prayers... He is mighty to help us to overcome. Early this morning this word came to me, “The one who is in me is greater than the one who is in the world”. Amen. I give thanks & praise the Lord ! The Lord has blessed us with His glory and light. He has set the captives free. He reigns in my home 24/7. Holy Spirit moves freely in my house 24/7 and grant us double hedge of protection. Amen.
“I was prayed for by 2 brothers on Friday afternoon practical session. I received 10% healing through simple prayer for my health condition. Through the 1-1/2 days’ teaching, I learnt to cast out my unbelief. I received immersion baptism on Friday evening. Lionel prayed for me. As I learnt from Lionel and Isabelle, who ministered to us in love and compassion, further conviction that healing is in the atonement. The next day, Saturday, I felt much relief and I experienced 50% improvement for my condition.
There were more than 25 testimonials of healing from participants during the event. Glory to Jesus.
Thank you for organizing this excellent Equipping training. Shalom!
“I was so blessed by both Isabelle and Lionel’s teaching and ministry.
My lifestyle has never been the same for me since baptism.
My mind feels so much lighter.
I walk like a daughter and I know my identity in Christ.
“It was good and accurate word of knowledge and prophecies to encourage us. We were all very ministered. One couple shared how blessed they were by your ministry of love and compassion. Your humility and brokenness enable Brother John to confess his sins and want deliverance. Praise GOD. He has been changed after that encounter. He is willing to heed your counsel and do that which is right to walk in the light of truth, that includes going to people they have stumbled and asked for their forgiveness. Sister Isabelle and brother Lionel you are His shining stars which shines into many hearts to release them from imprisonment and captivity.
“Thanks much for organizing this. This is a very credible ministry because it is entirely based on the Word of God. And I can feel the love of God from the trainers. I had a miracle today due to having attended the training. I got very sick and before calling the ambulance I decided to take communion and I prayed a simple prayer that by His wounds I am healed. All pain stopped instantly! Thank you and Praise the Lord for He is good.
“We have been so blessed by all of you and our lives are not the same anymore.”
“We were blessed by both of you for the past 3 days. Indeed not only us but on the way home, we received at least 10 thank you messages. These people expressed how they have been blessed by the teaching.”
“The last day after the training, my hubby shared about his throat getting narrow and hard to talk well for 2 weeks. I just commanded it to go and it works within 5 seconds! All glory to God! Thank you for organizing this wonderful event, God bless!
“You have sown in love into many lives and these lives in the days to come will produce fruits that will be the testimonies of your labor of love. Everything that was done is recorded in heaven and great are your rewards from the heavenly Father. In the integrity of your hearts both of you have given out and given out and given out. All in the name of Love. And that is the greatest thing in the sight of God. God has seen your hearts. In the sight of all who have attended the teaching your are both so precious and so real. You have that peace in your heart, you have that joy, because you are serving the King on earth.
You are serving the King of kings, the Lord of lords.”
“Actually 2 or 3 days after we met I got that warm feeling in my dream. It’s a cozy and colorful house…… But I didn’t tell you at that time cause I was not sure if it is the feeling of the Holy Spirit. Now I am very certain about it. Thank God! It’s so wonderful feeling. Prayer works. I am ready and eager to receive the baptism.
My husband changed a lot. His heart is getting softer and he is becoming supportive.
Actually in that dream he is with me in that cozy house.