Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins,
They will raise up the former devastations;
And they will repair the ruined cities,
The desolations of many generations.
You must continually bring healing to lepers and to those who are sick, and make it your habit to break off the demonic presence from people, and raise the dead back to life.
Freely you have received the power of the kingdom,
so freely release it to others.
ACTS ministry is so blessed to have released Shine Chosen as a minister of the Kingdom. All glory to Him who equipped Shine for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ. So many lives have been touched, restored, transformed, through his powerful ministry. Hallelujah!
ACTS visited 3 sisters in despair, as the youngest one of them, mom of a beautiful little girl, has been diagnosed with a terminal disease and few months to live. The devil is a liar. We cancel the lie, and released life and life in abundance. Watch the victory manifesting on those faces! 3 months later, this young sister has been medically declared cleaned from any disease! Glorious.
ACTS visited India in the Spirit of the Lord. Divine encounter with Benial and other leaders. Prophetic declarations over South India. God spoke powerfully. India, BE ready. Revival is coming!
ACTS went back to Vellore in India. It was a time of rejoicing with Benial's family for a new life: baby John is born! Then brother Paul led us to communities in need of training, support, and prayers. Watch the Gypsy Community's children singing out their faith on who Jesus is to them. Beautiful and powerful. We also met hidden treasures of the kingdom, a son and a daughter who have been serving the Lord for ages in one community. The Father had words for each one of them. Oh glorious times! Watch more mission times in Vellore, India, here:
This was the first contact of ACTS ministries with the church in Pakistan. So grateful to Phillpas and his so helpful/supportive family, for the ground work in organising those events. Beautiful people with strong desires to save this nation. Many are after HIS presence, HIS transformation, HIS power, to release His kingdom onto Pakistan as it is in heaven. Life in Pakistan is not easy for those brothers and sisters. Declare with them, "PAKISTAN SHALL BE SAVED!" Amen. Watch the following ACTS mission conference in Pakistan here:
A powerful testimony from Mary. Her journey was very similar to many of ours. God's miracle comes one time. Time passes. We park the memory on the pile of good things that happened in our lives, forgetting it was a miracle that responded to God's divine design for man. And when another evil attack rises up, we shrink back into fear and fatality. It took a great shaking for Mary to rise up into her identity and destiny, to face the devil, and to command him under her feet - where he belongs. And you know what? She got her second miracle. TB bowed down. Covid bowed down. Hallelujah!
ACTS ministries visited again the tribes in the mountains of Chiang Rai, with Pastor Yo. Their concerns were heard, encouragement was given, destinies spoken, needs released, and divine healing received. Watch the power of forgiveness. A beautiful day indeed, all in Jesus Christ!
ACTS has prepared a place to host, teach the Word, and train through practical experiences at ACTS office in Bangkok-Thailand. We had our first training ending 2 days before Bangkok partial lockdown with a beautiful team of people from Burma/Myanmar. It was powerful, it was intense, it was hard work. We had awesome times of prayer and fellowship, and the presence of the Lord was strong, with tears and many laughter, deliverance, and conviction. Hallelujah! More trainings after the Covid situation!
In ACTS ministries, this is how we declare truths. That the enemy will know that we know who we are and where he is. Under our feet. Not only it settles victory, but it also renew the mind, it erases the lies, it builds up the New Creation in us, and it helps the old man to die. Powerful. Declaration in English, here.
ACTS ministries witnessed the baptism of 37 ex-prisoners and family members at the House of Blessing. Those coming out of prison have been fully restored by their Father in heaven. They are now part of His family. Watch this yearning mother so eager to go under the waters! ACTS has the blessed privilege to train some of them in the powerful ways of the Kingdom. And we have great expectations in their becoming MANIFESTED sons and daughters!
In 2019 ACTS visited a rehab center in Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar, for people with various addictions. The therapy used there? God, the Father. Individual therapy: the Bible; Group therapy: worship and teaching; Special therapy: prayer, healing, deliverance. And you know what? It works. Not our words, but the Pastor's words. Beautiful and powerful. Thank you Jesus.
ACTS loves babies and never looses an opportunity to speak life into them. Wether healing or destiny, the Father never misses using our words for His glory and for the sake of those beautiful babies and their family. Tomorrow they will be the ones taking the world over for the Kingdom, and each word of faith spoken over them has the power to usher them into their destiny. Join us in speaking LIFE into them, all babies, all accross the world!
ACTS ministries visited a Christian prison ministry, House of Blessing, attending to not only the spiritual well being of the prisoners but also their future, their babies, their children. Beyond their physical and emotional needs, they train them into discipleship of Jesus and usher them back into active life. Babies are cared for, children receive an education, ex-prisoners learn a job, ex-prisoners volunteer into the ministry. The atmosphere is the one of a loving family from many nations. Amazing Jesus! Restoration and rehabilitation just because few men had a vision, obeyed the call, and persisted through great and hard times. All glory to God. You may hear more insights here:
ACTS visited YCM in Maesot, a lively youth church. We talked about the amazing and complete freedom received after deliverance first, and then water baptism made according to Romans 6. Many wanted it. Watch those faces coming out of the water if they don't look like new! Beautiful work of Jesus. Beautiful people. Thank you Pastor Benny Win!
ACTS went to visit a church in Mahachai Bangkok last weekend. One lady were carried in by her husband. She couldn't walk. She got healed and didn't stop walking until the end of the service. A man got out of his drinking addiction and has not drink since. Many others were touched, encouraged, healed. All glory to God!
ACTS started by ministering into hospitals in 2016. Many healings happened and people turning so easily to Jesus. This is the extravagant kindness of God that leads man to repentance (Romans 2:4). We experienced it first hand and it was powerful and beautiful. Love the people, and they desperately want what you have.
In February 2018 ACTS visited a small congregation near Chonburi, with beautiful people. It was such a blessing to speak into their lives and encourage them. Since then, they have reached out and grown into a full large congregation and built a new building. They have been blessed with a great extension of their territory. All glory to God!
ACTS visited a Bible School in Mandalay, Myanmar, in February 2019. This was a privilege to impart a bit of ourselves into the next generation of leaders and pastors in this area of the world. We were very impressed by the unity in the team of pastors leading the school, and the power of their personal testimonies. God is calling back to Himself many beautiful people of Myanmar and their family.
ACTS ministries hosted a prayer time with a beautiful group of brothers and sisters from Myanmar following the unrest of February 1st. Here are the declarations for the people and the land of Myanmar. Thank you Jesus for each and every word answered. Not one will fall on the ground without accomplishing the purpose for which it has been spoken. WE BELIEVE. AMEN!
ACTS ministries trained online students inside the MaeLa Camp in Thailand at the border of Burma. Even though the living conditions are difficult in the camp, the transformation of children of God into manifested sons and daughters of the Living God has already made a difference in their lives and their circumstances. Heaven is being established on earth as it is in heaven in MaeLa Camp. All glory to the Father!
ACTS ministries visited TNIC headquarters in Pak Chong district for receiving the endorsement documents and expressing its gratefulness. Now ACTS can officially fully operate in the beautiful kingdom of Thailand. We had an awesome time with this precious family and we celebrated the best way possible, around delicious home-grown and home-made food! Thank you Tosh and Dawn!
A lively Burmese church in the heart of Samut Prakarn, in Bangkok Thailand. ACTS enjoys regular visits with its beautiful young people passionate for Jesus. Well done, Pastor Ah Htoo.
ACTS visits a vibrant, true, gifted, passionate, and committed church, in Lam Luk Ka, Thailand. Pastor Chairat’s family feeds their people in all senses. If you are looking for the fullness of the joy of the Lord, don’t look any further. You’ll find it there.
An attractive, remote, and striking place in Pak Chong district of Thailand, which has become a spiritual center of evangelization through airwaves. When you inherit the missionary spirit from your ancestor, you are made to be the light of the world. What a beautiful family. A special Christmas for ACTS.
In December 2019, ACTS ministries was on mission in the mountains around Chang Rai, Thailand, going from villages to villages to pray, to encourage, to convict beautiful people of the reality of Jesus’ love.
ACTS visited a family gathered by the love of Jesus and of one French missionary, Patty, who gave her life for orphan children in Thailand. The power and beauty of adoption. This is their home built through years of hardship and financed by Jesus. Amazing, huh?
ACTS ministries was in Singapore in April 2018 to train a fantastic group of people looking for understanding the power of healing in the hands of today’s believers.
Snapshots of the missions of ACTS ministries in Asia, 2018-2019.
What is more beautiful than giving everything to children who've lost it all? A blessed household created and supported by a very committed Taiwanese family, encouraged by Pastor Fang, and daily sustained by a beautiful unwavering couple, the parents of these precious children. ACTS was blessed and honored to visit them.
Snapshots of the missions of ACTS ministries in Asia, 2016-2018.